David the Economist
05 July 2013

In 1122, King David IV. reconquered Tbilisi from the Muslims. In those times, a bloodbath among the former oppressors would have been the logical consequence of such a victory. Leaders of the High Middle Ages took merciless revenge against their enemies once they had defeated them.

The Soviet Hangover
08 May 2013

Recently, we discussed the low ranking of Georgia when it comes to social capital (“Since When Do Georgians Trust Banks More Than Friends?”). In the 2012 Legatum Prosperity Index, our country ranked #140 in the social capital subindex, out of 142 surveyed countries!

The Gender Pay Gap
09 April 2013

Large gaps exist between male and female wages across the world. Eurostat data about the unadjusted Gender Pay Gap (GPG) represent the difference between average gross hourly earnings of male and female paid employees as a percentage of average gross hourly earnings of male paid employees.

The Georgian Labor Code: Real Challenges and False Myths
08 March 2013

Georgia’s current rank in the ease of “hiring and firing practices” and “redundancy costs” (weeks of salary an employer is required to pay a dismissed worker) is 9th and 13th, respectively (World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, 2012-13).

“The Paradox of Gifts: I Know What I Have Given You. I Do Not Know What You Have Received” - Dr. SunWolf
23 January 2013

In 1993 Joel Waldfogel published a paper “The Deadweight Loss of Christmas” in which he declared that the tradition of gift-giving causes economic losses for society because recipients generally value the items they receive as gifts less than the price that was paid by the givers.
