Europe and our future well-being
03 June 2024

The project aims to raise awareness and boost participation in the democratic process, fostering a strong and inclusive understanding of the benefits of EU integration for all age and ethnic groups in Georgia. Our goal is to communicate the tangible advantages of democracy and the EU path to Georgian youth and regional populations. Utilizing social media, we share compelling evidence highlighting the benefits of a European future for Georgia. The campaign is inclusive, with content available in Armenian and Azeri to reach minority groups.

SME development reform assessment - Phase 1
22 January 2024

Assessing the progress of the SME Development reform (henceforth "SME reform") relates to the activities that have been implemented and are planned in accordance with the SME Development Strategy of Georgia 2021-2025. The strategy aims to restore positive trends that were present prior to the onset of the pandemic and to support the continued growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.

SME Policy Index: Eastern Partner Countries 2024
02 October 2023

The OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme is undertaking the "EU4Business: From Policies to Action – Phase 2" project in Eastern Partner (EaP) countries, funded by the European Union. The initiative focuses on enhancing competitiveness and business environment reforms at both country and regional levels.

Tourism reform assessment report
01 August 2023

The Tourism Reform incorporates the amendments envisioned by the Tourism Draft Law, which was initiated by the Parliament of Georgia. In addition, it encompasses planned changes in the tax benefits system for agritourism and wine tourism service providers.

Attracting high spending international tourists to Georgia
10 July 2023

In 2022, Georgia’s tourism sector still heavily relied on visitors from neighboring countries. The combined share of Russia, Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan accounted for 62% of the total international visitors' trips. It is important to note that these countries had relatively low levels of expenditure per visit.
