UNFPA will work with ISET-PI to conduct an in-depth analysis of inheritance practices in Georgia with regard to son preference. The team will elaborate on the methodology for analysis and will conduct preliminary desk research on the issue. The program will provide a better understanding of the depth of gender bias in inheritance legislation and practices, and its practical implications on women’s lives, their status, and social-economic outcomes.

The study was to determine an optimal minimum wage for workers in Georgia, and resulted in a recommended range of 250-350GEL per month, albeit referencing numerous factors that need to be considered.

Georgia has not yet ratified the Convention, and its legislation does not contain the definition of worker with family responsibilities. However, the term is partially applied, both for employees of the private and of the public sector. Having family responsibilities is an important factor influencing the labour market outcomes of individuals of working age.

This policy brief summarizes the main findings of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the possible ratification of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Workers with Family Responsibilities Convention, 1981 (No. 156).

ISET Policy Institute has launched a new project – “Develop the advocacy capacity of CSOs and PSAs”. This project is being implemented with the support of the USAID Economic Governance Program.