Quarter 3, 2024 Macro Review | Economic progress under pressure: Georgia’s Q3 2024 growth and challenges
08 January 2025

According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates in the second quarter of 2024, Georgia’s nominal GDP reached GEL 24,855.7 million, with a year-over-year real GDP growth of 11.0% and a GDP deflator change of 4.3%. The growth was driven by significant increases in value-added across various sectors: Education activities rose by 35.6%, Information and communication rose by 32.8%, Construction by 30.9%, Financial and insurance activities by 22.9%, Public administration and defense, including social security by 14.7% and Wholesale and retail trade, including repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles by 11%. Conversely, there was a decline in value-added in electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply by 13.6% and in Real estate activities by 4.9%.

Regulatory impact assessment of the draft law on food loss and waste
31 March 2023

Food loss and waste (FLW) management and administration is a multidimensional concept, one which encompasses prevention and waste management during food production; post-harvest activities and practices; food safety and hygiene; labeling and date indication; as well as official control and taxation (VAT, income tax, profit tax).

Business Confidence Index: The downward trend continues!
26 April 2022

For the second quarter of 2022, business confidence in Georgia decreased (by 2.2 index points) and reached 15.1. The highest decrease in business confidence is observed in construction (-29.7), and wholesale and retail trade (-7.6) sectors. The negative change in BCI for Q2 2022 was driven by significantly worsened past performance.

Business Confidence Index: will the decreasing trend continue?
28 February 2022

For the first quarter of 2022, business confidence in Georgia decreased (by 13.3 index points) and reached 17.3. The highest decrease in business confidence is observed in service (-25.8), manufacturing (-20.8), and wholesale and retail trade (-16.1) sectors.

Regulatory impact assessment of the draft law on food loss and waste
11 November 2021

Food Loss and Waste (FLW) is one of the critical issues related to waste management in Georgia. A large amount of food still suitable for human consumption is wasted by Food Business Operators (FBOs) and large food retailers in particular due to the packaging or quality issues, expiration date, excess supply and consumption habits, which results in significant economic losses for these FBOs.
