Reaching European and international standards of insolvency proceedings is considered one of the most important priorities of the Georgian authorities and its international partners for creating enabling business environment and fostering sustainable growth and job creation in the country.

On February 26, 2019, the APRC participated in a meeting on sustainable land management and green agriculture in Georgia. The event was organized by REC Caucasus and gathered more than 60 participants from the public and private sectors. The representatives of different organizations (e.g., GIZ, IFAD, FAO), as well as a number of farmers, shared information on their projects and activities related to climate-smart agriculture and sustainable land management in Georgia.

On December 10-11, ISET’s APRC team organized a comprehensive stakeholder dialogue to discuss the interim results of the RIA on draft Law on Windbreaks. The two-day workshop gathered representatives of the Agrarian Committee of the Parliament of Georgia, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, municipalities, the private sector (principally in the form of farmers), international donors (IFAD, GIZ), and various NGOs.

On October 26-27, the APRC attended the second workshop on mainstreaming Agenda 2030 requirements in the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on Windbreaks Draft Law, organized by REC Caucasus with support from international donors.

On October 4, 2018, the ISET’s Salome Gelashvili and Pati Mamardashvili gave a presentation during an inception workshop, “Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the Draft Law on Windbreaks”. This RIA was commissioned to the APRC team by REC Caucasus and implemented with financial support from the IFAD in the framework of the AMMAR project.