This joint initiative by ISET Policy Institute and Policy and Management Consulting Group, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Union (EU), aims to boost Georgian SMEs' exports to European markets.

In May 2024, Georgian power plants generated 1,411 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 6% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in May 2023, the total generation was 1,325 mln. kWh). The rise in generation on a yearly basis comes from an increase in generation of hydropower plant by 7%, while the generation of thermal and wind plants decreased by 100% and 14%, respectively.

In April 2024, Georgian power plants generated 1,085 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 13% decrease in the total generation compared to the previous year (in April 2023, the total generation was 1,249 mln. kWh). The fall in generation on a yearly basis comes from a decrease in generation of hydro, thermal and wind power plants by 12%, 25% and 10%, respectively.

Employment and prospective occupations were the subjects of lively debate at the recent economic forum that took place in Davos in January 2024. Globally, the transition of economies to green standards will generate an additional 69 million jobs. In the meanwhile, technological advancements and economic recessions pose a threat to the other 83 million available jobs.

In February 2024, Georgian power plants generated 1,022 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 3% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in February 2023, the total generation was 987 mln. kWh).