On December 5, 2017, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET) and Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri (MKD). This cooperation comprises implementing educational programs, organizing workshops, lectures, and other similar events as well as promoting students’ internships and employment prospects.

ISET Policy Institute started working on the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the selected topics under the Draft Law on Insolvency Proceedings. In this project, ISET is partnering with the Berlin Economist, the German consulting group.

ISET Policy Institute started working on the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the selected topics under the Draft Law on Insolvency Proceedings. In this project, ISET is partnering with the Berlin Economist, the German consulting group.

In 2013, as a follow-up to public consultations on improving the acting company law in Georgia, a working group was established to elaborate a new Draft Law of Georgia on Entrepreneurs (“Draft Law”). The working group was created under the Private Law Reform Council of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia, the USAID-funded Judicial Independence and Legal Empowerment Project, which was succeeded by the Promoting Rule of Law in Georgia (PROLoG) Activity, with both projects implemented by the East-West Management Institute (EWMI), was a cooperating partner

On September 27, 2017, the first assessment of Pension Reform was conducted, within “ReforMeter”. Based on the Government Survey, 38.8% of the reform is already implemented. At this stage, the reform concept is elaborated and approved by the Government. In October, the draft law will be publicly available. The pension fund functions and obligations are formulated. The regulatory body is defined. Pension system operating rules are designed.