Global economic growth is anticipated to decrease from 3.5 percent in 2022 to 3.0 percent in both 2023 and 2024. In comparison to the April 2023 World Economic Outlook (WEO) projections, there has been a modest 0.2 percentage point improvement in the growth forecast for 2023, while the 2024 projection remains unchanged.

Rtveli 2023 commenced this August. Similar to previous years, the Government of Georgia (GoG) is subsidizing the grape harvest again to support farmers who have suffered from worsening climate conditions. Based on information from MEPA representatives, the subsidy's primary aim is to guarantee that even producers with lower-quality grapes can still sell their products.

Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for July 2023. The estimated growth stands at 5.5%, while the average real GDP growth for January-July 2023 reached 7.2%.

In August 2023, Georgian power plants generated 1,463 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 4% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in August 2022, the total generation was 1,401 mln. kWh). The rise in generation on a yearly basis comes from a rise of 12% in Hydro power generation, while the generation of wind and thermal power plants decreased by 29% and 32%, respectively.

In July 2023, Georgian power plants generated 1,541 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents an 18% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in July 2022, the total generation was 1,308 mln. kWh). The rise in generation on a yearly basis comes from a rise of 8% in Hydro and 8% in wind and 45 times in thermal power generation.