The underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship in Georgia is a significant problem that disproportionately affects women’s ability to start and to sustain businesses. Despite legislative efforts and economic strategies intended to enhance the business environment, women face considerable challenges, such as limited access to finance, which hamper their ability to start and grow businesses.

Tbilisi recently hosted an International Conference commemorating the 105th Anniversary of the National Statistical Office of Georgia (Geostat) and the 25th Anniversary of Collecting Gender Statistics. The two-day event, themed "Accelerating Progress Towards Inclusive Development Through Gender Statistics," was organized by Geostat and UN Women.

Georgia is committed to various international agreements on climate change, notably the Paris Agreement and the Association Agreement with the European Union. Recently, in 2021, Georgia announced a new Nationally Determined Contribution, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 35% compared to 1990 levels.

Please note that the research report 'Gender impact assessment of the law of Georgia on public service' is available in Georgian language only.

October 19-20 witnessed the largest and most high-profile event of ISET’s year: the international conference on gender economics entitled ‘Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment in Time of Crisis’. The two-day event, hosted by ISET and the FREE Network (the Forum for Research on Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies), attracted academics from 15 countries, including Australia, India, the USA, the countries of the South Caucasus, Eastern and Western Europe.