ISET's Master in Finance has received CFA Institute affiliation
12 June 2024

ISET’s Master in Finance program has received the CFA Institute affiliation, making it the only academic program in Georgia to achieve this honour.

Education sector vis-à-vis labor market demands
08 April 2024

Employment and prospective occupations were the subjects of lively debate at the recent economic forum that took place in Davos in January 2024. Globally, the transition of economies to green standards will generate an additional 69 million jobs. In the meanwhile, technological advancements and economic recessions pose a threat to the other 83 million available jobs.

Women in academia – a glass ceiling in the South Caucasus?
16 October 2023

The topic of women and power roles in academia is an area of significant interest and concern in contemporary society. While strides have been made in promoting gender equality in higher education, academic institutions continue to encounter issues with representation and empowerment for women in various positions of authority and influence.

ISET Policy Institute hosted resilience report launch by World Bank
03 May 2023

On May 3, ISET Policy Institute co-hosted a public event organized by World Bank Georgia where representatives of the World Bank and co-authors of the study, Jamele Rigolini and Sarah Call-Black, presented the resilience report "Protecting Human Capital in Times of Shocks and Crises".

Georgia’s European future and prospects for your well-being
19 April 2023

Under the Georgian Constitution, the country's strategic objective is to join the European Union. The vast majority of citizens agree with and support this objective. The European future is not only the country's historical strategic choice but also the hope for the prosperity and well-being of the country's population and the promise of a better future for future generations.
