Granted Survival!
26 April 2019

Various business support programs have been implemented in many countries across the world. Grants, interest-rate subsidies, and equity participation are among some of the most adopted tools for promoting firms’ performances (Dupont and Martin, 2006). Such assistance programs also have their own objectives. For example, low-interest rate loans and cash transfers to new and small firms are designed to overcome the financial constraints many firms face (Hubbard, 1998).

ISET-NHH Anti-Corruption Program Continues
21 March 2019

ISET was honored to host a fourth and last delegation representing the long-time partner, Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen (NHH). The four-day program included anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.

Regulatory impact assessment of the selected topics under the draft law on rehabilitation and collective satisfaction of creditors
28 February 2019

Reaching European and international standards of insolvency proceedings is considered one of the most important priorities of the Georgian authorities and its international partners for creating enabling business environment and fostering sustainable growth and job creation in the country.

January 2019 | CCI: Post-Christmas hangover?
11 February 2019

Being a researcher is not only my job, it is my way of life. Every time I get the chance, I start conversations with random people and ask them tons of questions. During a recent taxi ride, after I asked the driver how his business was going, he told me that the demand for taxis had fallen significantly in January.

Business Confidence Index: persistent pessimism!
04 February 2019

BCI in the first quarter of 2019 has worsened, dropping to 22.6 index points, which is a 7.4 index point loss over the previous quarter. The BCI drop is driven by worsening in the past performance and expectations in a number of the business sectors. Interestingly, companies in the construction industry assessed their past performance most pessimistically, however they display the most optimistic expectations. While the private sector expectations tend to worsen, they continue to remain positive.
