ECONOMIC POLICY ALERT: Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Funded Pensions
22 May 2024

The ISET Policy Institute has been closely monitoring and assessing the progress of pension reform for years. Respectively, we have reviewed the proposed changes and identified substantial risks for the effective organizational structure of the pension fund and the welfare of over 1.5 million participating citizens.

Education sector vis-à-vis labor market demands
08 April 2024

Employment and prospective occupations were the subjects of lively debate at the recent economic forum that took place in Davos in January 2024. Globally, the transition of economies to green standards will generate an additional 69 million jobs. In the meanwhile, technological advancements and economic recessions pose a threat to the other 83 million available jobs.

Georgia’s European future: a hope for resolving political polarization
28 March 2024

Political polarization erodes trust in public institutions, it damages political process, negatively affects economic development, distracts social development and relationships in society, and it may eventually lead to the backsliding of democracy.

Unlocking opportunities: the economic benefits of EU candidate status for Georgia
18 December 2023

As Georgia advances on its path toward European Union (EU) candidacy, the anticipated economic benefits, increased foreign investment, and alignment with European standards present a promising trajectory, worthy of further attention within the following article. The granting of European Union candidate status is a significant political signal, one which represents an initial step towards acknowledging that a candidate country is on the path towards eventual EU membership.

Attracting high spending international tourists to Georgia
10 July 2023

In 2022, Georgia’s tourism sector still heavily relied on visitors from neighboring countries. The combined share of Russia, Turkey, Armenia, and Azerbaijan accounted for 62% of the total international visitors' trips. It is important to note that these countries had relatively low levels of expenditure per visit.
