Why Everyone Should Pay to Use Water, and How This Could (and Probably Will) Be Done in Georgia
25 January 2019

“At least we have a lot of water – why should I pay for it?” One can frequently hear this phrase in Georgia. This popular saying is based on the relative abundance of water resources the country has: roughly 15,597 cubic meters of renewable freshwater resources per capita a year, well above the 2,961 cubic meters per capita in the European Union (World Bank 2014). However, having a resource does not mean being able to use it, nor being able to do so in a sustainable manner.

Identification of sectors with high potential for economic growth in the mountainous regions of Georgia
01 January 2019

The goal of the project is to contribute to the sustainable development of mountainous regions of Georgia. The project is commissioned by Centre for Training and Consultancy (CTC) with EU funding. The following activities are envisioned within the project:

Technical assistance for conducting economic analysis for ıntroducing a new policy for maternity, paternity and parental leave in Georgia
31 December 2018

The study analyzes pecuniary economic costs and benefits associated with new policies on maternity, paternity, and parental leave in Georgia, using a state-of-the-art methodology utilized in EU member countries.

Assessment of Training Evaluation, Coop Registration Forms and Pre & Post Tests for Agriculture Cooperatives
03 December 2018

The European Neighbourhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development in Georgia (ENPARD Georgia) was implemented in March 2013. The main goal of the ENPARD program is to reduce rural poverty in Georgia.1 The total budget of the program is 102 million EUR.

October 22, 2018 | Khachapuri index in foreign currency
22 October 2018

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in September 2018 was 3.56 GEL, which was 3.7% higher month-on-month (m/m, as compared to the previous month), and 2.1% lower year-on-year (y/y, as compared to the same month last year). However, khachapuri became cheaper for those earning in foreign currency as a result of the y/y depreciation of the lari relative to both the USD and EUR in September 2018.
