To Subsidize or Not to Subsidize Georgia’s Wine Sector?
12 October 2020

“Rtveli 2020” – a traditional vintage and rural harvest holiday in Georgia accompanied by feasts, musical events, and other celebrations started on August 26. This year, the Government of Georgia (GoG) is subsidizing the grape harvest to support growers in selling their products. 0.3 GEL of the total 0.8 GEL per kg of Rkatsiteli or Kakhuri Mtsvane is subsidized. In the case of extreme necessity, the GoG will be involved in the purchase of grapes as well.

Conducting sector and value chain analytics
12 October 2020

In partnership with PMC Research, ISET Policy Institute is working on the project “Sector and Value Chain Analytics” under the USAID Economic Security Program, implemented by DAI. Using quantitative and qualitative analytical methods, the project team analyzes economic tendencies in the local and also regional/global context, competitiveness of local businesses, opportunities, and challenges in various targeted value chains.

ISET signs exchange agreement with top French university
07 October 2020

ISET has broadened its international connections by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Clermont-Auvergne University, a leading public university in central France. The MOU will allow ISET students and faculty to visit and study in France, and – most exciting of all – includes a clause that provides for the future development of dual degrees to be granted from both universities.

October 2020 | Agri Review
07 October 2020

The National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat) recently published its economic review for Quarter II 2020. The publication highlights that agricultural production increased by 4.7% in the second quarter of the year compared to the same period in 2019. Furthermore, agriculture contributed to 10.2% of the country’s total GDP during the same period.

Junior Researcher
06 October 2020

ISET Policy Institute is seeking a Junior Researcher, preferably an MA graduate in economics/business administration, public administration, public policy, sociology.
