According to data provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in the last five years, there were two hikes in global food prices.
In 1993 Joel Waldfogel published a paper “The Deadweight Loss of Christmas” in which he declared that the tradition of gift-giving causes economic losses for society because recipients generally value the items they receive as gifts less than the price that was paid by the givers.
In 1905, Max Weber, in his masterpiece, “The Protestant Ethics and Spirit of Capitalism”, proposed an interesting hypothesis which claimed that Protestantism, Calvinism, and Puritan ethics influenced the development of capitalism.
This blog post is a sequel to “Price of a Woman: Economic Rationale behind Marriage Payments in Georgia”. I recently found very interesting data about bride prices in the Georgian highlands and the North Caucasus, which I am now going to share with you.
Below are Google Maps images of two rural communities (A and B) in Georgia. Please click the image to enlarge it.