September 15, 2016 FPI | Supermarkets Slash Food Prices to Gain Market Share
14 September 2016

Having experienced a temporary 1% spike in August, food prices are going down again. In the second week of September, ISET’s Retail Food Price Index dropped 0.7% m/m (compared to August 2016) and 2% y/y (compared to September 2015).

Business Confidence Index: weakened business optimism amid robust performance
09 September 2016

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI) has decreased marginally (-1, QoQ), but at 25.0 it remains significantly higher than it was in the same quarter last year (14.8). The third quarter decrease in the index was mostly driven by a significant decline in expectations.

September 05, 2016 Kh-Index | August 2016: annual deflation in khachapuri index reaches 9.6%
05 September 2016

On the back of a sharp y/y decline in the price of Imeretian cheese (down by about 10 and 18% in July and August 2016, respectively), the Khachapuri Index took a big hit in August 2016. Having reached the seasonal bottom in May, the Index increased in June due to regular seasonal factors (tourism-related increase in demand and a gradual slowdown in domestic milk production). Yet, its behavior in July and August represents a major departure from the multi-year pattern we have been observing since 2008.

Real Estate Market Highlights, #1 | January-June 2016
01 September 2016

The average Sale Price (ASP) for residential properties has fallen consistently over last 3 months, to its current level of USD 836 [GEL 1829]. ASP rose to a year-high of USD 900 [GEL 2159] in December 2015 and fell to a year-low of USD 836 [GEL 1940] in August 2015 and June 2016. Appreciation of GEL since February 2016 exerted downward pressure on prices expressed in local currency decreasing at faster rates compared to prices in USD.

July 2016 GDP Forecast | Growth forecast edges upward following revised Q1 statistics from geostat
28 July 2016

The growth forecast for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of 2016 were revised upward by 0.5%. They now stand at 4.7% and 4.8% respectively. Based on the available data, we expect annual growth in 2016 to be 3.7%. This is our “middle-of-the-road” scenario (based on the average growth in the last four quarters). Annual real GDP growth is predicted to be 2.9% in the worst-case or “no growth” scenario, and 4.4% in the best-case or “average long-term growth” scenario (see our January 2014 and February 2014 publications for a note on methodology).
