March 16, 2015 Kh-Index | Inflation not picking up, not yet at any rate
16 March 2015

In February, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri dropped to 3.29GEL, which is 3.4% lower month-on-month (compared to January 2015), and 4.8% lower year-on-year (compared to February 2014). At least as far as khachapuri ingredients are concerned, prices are going down, not up.

February 2015 Macro Review | Taking stock of 2013‐2014 economic developments in Georgia
13 March 2015

February is usually a good time to take stock of the country’s economic performance because at the beginning of the month statistical agencies release data on many baseline indicators for the previous year. Preliminary data reveals that the annual GDP growth rate in 2014 was 4.7%, which fell short of the 5% that had been expected.

Khachapuri Index as a Predictor of Structural Changes in the Economy
10 March 2015

In February, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri fell to 3.29GEL, which is 3.4% lower month-on-month (compared to January 2015), and 4.8% lower year-on-year (compared to February 2014).

Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Supports the Creation of Four New Policy Research Centers at ISET-PI
04 March 2015

In December 2014 ISET-PI has been awarded a 5-year grant by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) providing the Institute with the opportunity to transform itself into the premier economic policy think-tank in the South Caucasus.

March 02, 2015 Kh-Index | Khachapuri Index as a predictor of structural changes in the economy
02 March 2015

In February, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri fell to 3.29GEL, which is 3.4% lower month-on-month (compared to January 2015), and 4.8% lower year-on-year (compared to February 2014).
