ISET Alumni Association
02 November 2015

We are excited to announce the official establishment of the ISET Alumni Association. The association will serve our growing network of distinguished alumni and help the entire ISET family to enhance their professional networks, and to catalyze initiatives among Georgia’s best and brightest young economists.

ISET Graduation Ceremony 2015
26 October 2015

After two years of joy, stress, tears, and an inhuman amount of mathematical models, 34 students were awarded master’s degrees from ISET during a ceremony at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.

ISET Policy Institute Gets United Against Hunger
16 October 2015

October 16 is celebrated around the globe as World Food Day. On this day, volunteers from all countries step forward to inspire commitment towards ending hunger worldwide. In response to WFD’s official motto “when it comes to hunger, the only acceptable number in the world is zero”, researchers from ISET Policy Institute donated food items to Catharsis Georgia – a charitable organization that, among other services, feeds 310 elderly in need every day.

ISET-PI Study Tour to Poka Nunnery of St. Nino
12 October 2015

On October 9, Agricultural Policy Research Center organized an excursion to Phoka Nunnery of St. Nino, in the Javakheti region of Georgia. The Javakheti highland is a mountainous terrain at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level and home to the ominous Abul Mountain (3301 m) which can be seen from every side. Students from both ISET and researchers ISET-PI joined the excursion.

Chief of Political and Economic Affairs of the US Embassy visited ISET
01 October 2015

On September 30, ISET hosted Dwight Nystrom, Chief of Political and Economic Affairs of the US Embassy. His presentation was titled: “The Reach and Limitations of American Economic Power” and it was focused on US’s footprint on the global economy. Mr. Nystrom also discussed US economic conditions within different sections. According to the data he provided, the US share of GDP in global GDP began declining in 2000 and after the 2008 global financial crisis, it began to fall even more sharply.
