Business Confidence Index: business confidence strengthens on robust sector performance
29 November 2017

The Georgian Business Confidence Index (BCI)* has increased slightly, reaching 28.0 index points, which is a 1.2 index points gain over the previous quarter. Against weakening expectations, the fourth quarter improvement in the BCI was mostly driven by a notable increase in the Past Performance Index.

Regulatory impact assessment of the selected topics under the draft law on rehabilitation and collective satisfaction of creditors
29 November 2017

ISET Policy Institute started working on the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on the selected topics under the Draft Law on Insolvency Proceedings. In this project, ISET is partnering with the Berlin Economist, the German consulting group.

ISET students visit State Audit Office, reunite with alumnus
21 November 2017

On November 21, around 30 ISET students visited the State Audit Office for educational purposes. Two state auditors (one of whom was a graduate of ISET) gave a series of lectures to the visitors, which was initially intended to be conducted in English, but eventually done in Georgian due to the absence of international students.

Georgian State Electrosystem Has Become ISO 9001 Certificate Holder for the Second Time
21 November 2017

Based on a report prepared by international auditors, DQS GmbH issued a three-year quality management Certificate of Conformity with ISO 9001:2015 standard requirements, which focus on improving business management and system performance.

ISET-PI Director attends international conference in Italy
17 November 2017

ISET Policy Institute’s executive director, Lasha Labadze, attended the Vision Europe Summit (VES) "WINNERS AND LOSERS OF GLOBALISATION" which took place on 14 and 15 November 2017 in Turin. Launched in January 2015, Vision Europe is a joint project of leading European foundations and think tanks, who work together to investigate and debate matters, with the aim of informing and influencing policymakers and public opinion on some of the most pressing public policy challenges Europe faces today.
