Does Georgia Need More and Larger Cities?
30 November 2012

We may recall that the Lazika city project has been proposed by the Saakashvili administration to accelerate the process of urbanization. A new city was suggested as a means of absorbing surplus rural population and thus paving the way for land consolidation and greater productivity in agriculture.

Comprehensive Costing and Finance Strategies for the Early Learning System in Georgia
31 October 2012

The main goal of the study was to analyze the existing early learning models, relevant funding schemes, and potential funding strategies to expand preschool enrollment from the current 46%1 to universal coverage of 100%.

Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries
28 September 2012

After the break-up of the Soviet Union, Georgia went through a process of civil war and economic collapse. Official estimates suggest that Georgia’s GDP shrunk by more than 70% between 1990 and1994.

The Case Of Tbilisi Hippodrome – Urban Planning Mistake Or A New Approach To Regional Policy?
30 July 2012

Despite arduous government efforts to reduce regional disparities, population and wealth are very unevenly distributed across Georgia’s territory.

The Georgian Christmas tree
24 December 2011

What would Christmas be without a Christmas tree? In Georgia, in Europe, or anywhere else in the world. But little known to most Europeans, most trees sold in Europe can trace their origin to Georgia.
