February 2016 Macro Review | The Georgian economy in 2015-2016 – take care of the foundations, and the facade will take care of itself…
22 February 2016

The year 2015 was one of turbulence. It was a year in which the institutional foundations of the Georgian economy were tested. However, as our analysis shows, the country’s macroeconomic institutions exhibited remarkable resilience in the face of various shocks. This bodes well for future growth prospects. Thus, in the spirit of Lewis Carroll’s adage “take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves” we can give one piece of advice to Georgian policymakers: take care of the foundations, and the facade will take care of itself.

PMCG Awards 2 Need-Based Scholarships to ISET Students
11 February 2016

This Wednesday, February 10th, Aleksi Aleksishvili, CEO and Chairman of the Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), awarded need-based scholarships to two first-year students – Kristine Bakradze and Tinatin Mumladze. As ISET is a premier graduate education and research institution in the South Caucasus, producing dozens of top-notch young economists every year, PMCG scholarship is a great investment not only in the human capital of Kristine and Tinatin but also in the future of Georgia and the South Caucasus generally.

February 08, 2016 Kh-Index | Low global commodity prices help keep local inflation at bay
08 February 2016

The average cost of cooking one standard portion of Imeretian Khachapuri stood at 3.61 GEL in January 2016. This is 4.3% lower m/m (compared to December 2015), and 6% higher y/y (compared to the same month of the previous year, January 2015). Thus, annual inflation, as measured by ISET’s Khachapuri index, is roughly in line with the official estimate of 6%, based on GeoStat’s Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Decent Income in Old Age: Georgian Dream or Reality?
06 February 2016

If you visit any post-Soviet country after spending some time in the West, one thing strikes you immediately: the average age of visible poverty. Not only are you more likely to see old people begging on the streets, but old people are also dressed more poorly, and tend to buy the cheapest things on the market.

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of Draft Irrigation / Drainage Tariff Methodology
01 February 2016

Currently, the Georgian agricultural sector is characterized by relatively low productivity (by international standards) and its contribution to the GDP of the country is much lower than what it could be, considering that 45%1 of the Georgian labor force is currently employed in agriculture.
