September 30, 2015 FPI | Georgian Food Prices Trending Down
30 September 2015

Food prices in the largest supermarkets of Georgia have been on decline over the last couple of months. Prices started adjusting downwards in July 2015 and the trend persisted in September. According to ISET Policy Institute’s Retail Food Price Index (Retail FPI) in September 2015, prices were 1% lower compared to August 2015.

Georgian Farmers Playing Russian Roulette
26 September 2015

On August 20, 2015, a strong hailstorm hit Georgia, devastating crops and infrastructure in eastern Kakheti. In Kvareli alone, the hailstorm destroyed about 1,300ha of Saperavi and 1,000ha of Rkatsiteli grapes, affecting more than 500 families. This was only one in a string of natural disasters striking Georgian farmers in recent years.

Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the M4P and Value Chain
25 September 2015

On the 21st of September, Salome Gelashvili, senior researcher at APRC, attended a workshop on the topic of “Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of the M4P and Value Chain Projects supported by SDC in the South Caucasus” organized by the Swiss Cooperation Office for the South Caucasus.

Empowering Georgian ‘Plow Mothers’ (Gutnis Deda)
11 September 2015

Giving women voice in company management may prove beneficial for performance. For instance, according to an influential Catalyst report, The Bottom Line: Corporate Performance and Women’s Representation on Boards, “companies that achieve [gender] diversity and manage it well attain better financial results, on average, than other companies.”

Prof. Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel Visits ISET
10 September 2015

ISET welcomes Professor Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel as a Visiting Professor at ISET until September 18th. Prof. Cramon-Taubadel is teaching Agricultural Economics I, an elective 3-credit course for second-year students.
