ISET Expands Scandinavian Horizons
18 October 2016

Like almost everyone else across the European continent, ISET has the utmost respect for Scandinavian economic power, and in recent weeks has been deepening ties with economic institutions in the region. As well as hosting guests from the Stockholm School of Economics, ISET also dispatched two members of its resident faculty to Norway.

Support of Entrepreneurial Education
30 September 2016

Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, and working in partnership with the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), this project aims at strengthening entrepreneurship education in Georgian Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions.

Support of entrepreneurial education
17 June 2016

Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria, and working in partnership with the Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), this project aims at strengthening entrepreneurship education in Georgian Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions.

ISET PI Becomes a Member of Georgian Alliance on Agricultural and Rural Development (GAARD)
09 June 2016

ISET PI became a member of the Georgian Alliance on Agricultural and Rural Development (GAARD) on June 9th. The GAARD was established in 2014 and includes people from the Ministry of Agriculture, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and independent experts.

ISET and the Norwegian School of Economics to Host an Anti-Corruption Workshop
05 April 2016

We are excited to announce that this week ISET will be hosting a large delegation representing the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. A four-day program is planned to start on April 6, which includes anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.
