ISET hosts online discussion with Georgian government & World Bank representatives
21 April 2020

Although the operations of many businesses and organizations have been brought to a crashing halt due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, ISET has refused to allow the crisis to hinder its work. Over the last few months, all teaching and academic activity have been shifted online using Zoom, a format that works equally well for operations of ISET Policy Institute and its efforts to serve as a knowledge accumulation and exchange platform in the lock-down.

Feasibility study for the polypropylene production in Georgia
13 April 2020

The possibility of own polypropylene production inside Georgia has been an important topic of governmental policy and strategy discussion during the COVID-19 epidemic. The study looks at both technical and economic feasibility of producing polypropylene in Georgia using several alteranative methods.

Georgian government approves methodology created by ISET experts
17 January 2020

On the 17th of January, the Government of Georgia approved the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Methodology. This is an incredible step towards evidence-based policy-making that will contribute to the country’s economic development and future prosperity.

The Paths Towards Inclusive Economic Growth in Georgia
10 January 2020

The economic policies of successive Georgian governments have arguably lacked cohesive direction when it comes to inclusive growth. There still remains an open question of whether the overall goal has been to pull people from agriculture or to leave them where they are while pushing productivity up via, for instance, funding the development of cooperatives or clusters. Concurrently, the state also has introduced industrial policies, like establishing SME support agencies that operate under the auspices of different ministries.

The Role of Circular Labor Migration in Reducing Unemployment: How Ambitious Should it Be?
18 December 2019

The topic of circular labor migration has recently received increased attention within the objective of reducing unemployment in Georgia. Circular migration Schemes (CMS) are widely recognized policy tools for reducing illegal migration and facilitating the return of migrants to their countries of origin. The Georgian government’s increased interest and efforts to develop circular migration deals with EU member states serve, on the one hand, the long-term objective of addressing the high levels of unemployment, and, on the other hand, to reduce illegal, and stimulate legal, migration.
