Why the National Bank of Georgia is ditching dollars for gold
07 May 2024

The National Bank of Georgia (NBG) recently acquired 7 tons of high-quality monetary gold valued at $500 million, constituting approximately 11% of its total reserves. This marked the first occasion that Georgia acquired gold for its reserves since it regained independence.

ISET Policy Institute's statement
03 May 2024

ISET Policy Institute, which since 2011 has been in service of the development agenda of the country through economic policy dialogue and evidence-based economic research condemns the government’s recent actions and reintroduction of the so-called ‘Russian Law’ that jeopardizes country’s European integration and puts its cooperation with authorities on hold until the Georgian government returns into service of the country’s European aspiration.

ReforMeter hosted the third public-private dialogue on tourism reform
01 May 2024

On May 1 ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted a public-private dialogue to discuss the progress of tourism reform with local stakeholders in Ambrolauri, Racha, Georgia.

Business Confidence Index: Downturn in confidence continues
30 April 2024

For the second quarter of 2024, business confidence in Georgia decreased slightly (by 1.3 index points) and reached 16.4. The highest decrease in business confidence is observed in the trade (-7.4) sector. The negative change in BCI for Q2 2024 was driven by decreased past performance as well as less optimistic expectations.

April 2024 | National and foreign currency deposits, merchandise trade, and remittances: key drivers of Georgia's April 2024 GDP forecast
25 April 2024

Due to a recent update in Geostat's GDP calculation methodology in December, revised growth rates show an upward trend compared to the previous month's figures. Consequently, our forecast for GDP growth has been adjusted upwards to reflect this change.
