Inclusive Growth Public Discussion Platform
02 September 2013

The main goal of this project was to develop a neutral platform for regular discussion of Georgian government policies, donor-financed programs to promote inclusive growth A total of seven debates and thee project presentations were hosted at ISET as part of this project on topics ranging from farmer cooperation to family farming, to tourism, to vocational training systems, to SME development, to access to energy.

Georgian Banking Sector Development: Is There Room for Growth?
28 June 2013

The Georgian economy faces many challenges, not least of which is access to finance and the extremely high cost of financing private enterprises. With the cost of borrowing (real interest rate) reaching 17.3% on average in April 2013, businesses find it very difficult to function, let alone invest in innovative technologies, long-term growth, and development.

Comprehensive Costing and Finance Strategies for the Early Learning System in Georgia
31 October 2012

The main goal of the study was to analyze the existing early learning models, relevant funding schemes, and potential funding strategies to expand preschool enrollment from the current 46%1 to universal coverage of 100%.

Comprehensive Costing and Finance Strategies for the Early Learning System in Georgia
09 July 2012

The objective of the study was to conduct detailed analysis of the existing funding mechanisms of early learning in Georgia, do a costing of alternative models of provision per child, develop and suggest sustainable financial and legal scenarios, relevant in the Georgian context. ISET-PI was commissioned by UNICEF to design and assess the costing of alternative finance strategies for preschool education in Georgia.
