ISET hosts Professor of Berlin School of Economics and Law, discusses small & medium enterprises
08 October 2019

Independent entrepreneurship is one of the main drivers of economic development and often manifests itself in the form of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These start-ups trigger innovation, boost productivity, and bring about structural change.

EBRD offers opportunity (and challenge!) to ISET students
04 October 2019

On October 4th, ISET students at every level and every stage of their studies were given a unique opportunity by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development – to have their own research be used and cited in an EBRD report on Georgia. In addition, the students will be able to use their work as part of any thesis they will be submitting in the near future.

ISET BA Economics Program started as the best and is only getting better
19 September 2019

A total of 162 of Georgia’s top-scoring students on the country’s national NAEC exam have chosen to study at ISET, constituting the third intake of first-year students for the institute’s BA program. The number of students set to graduate in 2023 is clearly indicative of the prestige and popularity of ISET degrees, and the figure has doubled since the second generation of BA students began their studies in 2018.

International Conference on Gender Economics: Removing obstacles to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment
12 June 2019

The FREE Network – the Forum for Research On Eastern Europe and Emerging Economies – and the International School of Economics at TSU (ISET) and its Policy Institute, are delighted to extend a warm invitation to participate in an international conference on gender economics entitled: "Removing Obstacles to Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment".

Memorandum of Understanding between ISET and CENN
05 June 2019

On the 5th of June 2019, ISET and the Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU). Under the scope of this MoU, new courses will be offered as part of ISET’s Bachelors and Master’s Programs; in the former, a course in environmental economics and circular economy will be offered as an elective, while for the latter, a course in environmental economics by Prof. Hans Wiesmeth will be available.
