Strategic Dialogue on the Competitiveness of Georgia
05 November 2013

On October 23, 2013 ISET hosted a strategic dialogue on Georgia’s national competitiveness. Eric Livny, ISET’s Director, opened the dialog with a brief presentation of the major changes in Georgia’s competitiveness performance in the 2012/13 Global Competitiveness Report. Georgia improved from 77th to 72nd position; the country saw the largest improvement in the macroeconomic environment while doing slightly worse in the labor market, healthcare, and primary education pillars.

Creating a Regional Energy Market: Learning from the Nordic Experience
15 October 2013

Professor Einar Hope from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) is a leading Nordic authority on energy market design and regulation. In 1995-1999, he took a break from academic activities and served as director of the Norwegian Competition Authority.

“You Merchants Are Cowards”…
27 September 2013

In the very first class on the Principles of Economics, we teach our students how beneficial trade is. We explain that voluntary exchange (trade) increases overall welfare and is mutually beneficial. Economists tend to regard this basic “principle of economics” as an axiom, providing the basis for many other principles of economics and, most importantly, the notion (or fallacy) that “the markets know best”…

Does Productivity Increase with Farm Size?
18 September 2013

Ukraine’s agriculture started progressing after the land reforms of 2001, which established an effective land rental market. While the titles to land still belong to former kolkhoz and sovkhoz members, agricultural land can now be easily aggregated and leased to interested businesses.

Professor Asher Wolinsky Delivered a Seminar on Information Aggregation in Large Markets
18 September 2013

To what extent do prices formed in natural trading modes aggregate dispersed information? This was the leading question of the presentation Professor Asher Wolinsky held at ISET on September 9, 2013. The presentation was based on the joint work of Stephan Lauermann and Asher Wolinsky.
