Stakeholders' Forum on the Trout Sector
07 December 2015

Aiming to contextualize the challenges and opportunities faced by Georgian trout farmers, the ISET Policy Institute, in cooperation with CARE international and the Georgian Farmers Association (GFA) organized a trout sector stakeholders’ forum in Kutaisi on December 4th, 2015.

November 30, 2015 FPI | ISET’s Retail Food Price Index Is One Year Old (and Stable)
30 November 2015

In the last two weeks of November, Retail FPI decreased by 0.3%. Prices increased in the fruit and vegetable category. Grape price increased by 47%, tomatoes by 17.3% and eggplant by 12%. Unlike other fruits, tangerines, which are late to arrive to the market, went down in price by more than 30%.

Innovation Starts Here and Now … In Lisi Lake Greenhouses
30 November 2015

Innovation is not necessarily about Silicon Valley Hi-Tech startups. It can happen here and now. In particular, contrary to what we have been hearing from our liberal politicians, there is plenty of scope for innovation in Georgia’s agriculture!

ENPARD Workshop at ISET
25 November 2015

On November 24, the ISET Policy Institute hosted an ENPARD workshop representing all four consortia (CARE, OXFAM, Mercy Corps, and PIN). The workshop featured Michaela Garguláková from People In Need (PIN) who talked about the Monitoring and Evaluation system and gave a presentation about the monitoring indicators of the ENPARD project.

Competing Water Needs
13 November 2015

On November 12th, President of ISET and ISET-PI, Eric Livny moderated a panel discussion on “Competing Water Needs” organized by the USAID policy-advocacy project Governing for Growth in Georgia (G4G). Representatives of all water-using sectors were invited to participate. The discussion included the viewpoints of stakeholders in the agriculture, environment, and energy sectors.
