January 15, 2017 FPI | Food Prices Are on Fire
19 January 2017

In the first half of January, Georgian retail food prices went up. Compared to mid-December, ISET’s Retail Food Price index experienced a significant 10.1% increase. Prices increased across key food commodities as a result of the holiday-related slump in demand. The Georgian lari depreciation applied additional upward pressure on the GEL prices of imported food products.

December 19, 2016 Kh-Index | Cheese price dynamics
19 December 2016

The average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian Khachapuri in November 2016 stood at 3.46 GEL, which is 1.9% higher month-on-month (compared to October 2016). The upward trend in the Index at this time of the year is expected and largely related to the seasonal increase in the price of cheese. Reasons for this seasonal price swing can be summed up as follows: supply and demand.

September 05, 2016 Kh-Index | August 2016: annual deflation in khachapuri index reaches 9.6%
05 September 2016

On the back of a sharp y/y decline in the price of Imeretian cheese (down by about 10 and 18% in July and August 2016, respectively), the Khachapuri Index took a big hit in August 2016. Having reached the seasonal bottom in May, the Index increased in June due to regular seasonal factors (tourism-related increase in demand and a gradual slowdown in domestic milk production). Yet, its behavior in July and August represents a major departure from the multi-year pattern we have been observing since 2008.

June 27, 2016 Kh-Index | The price of khachapuri for our neighbors
27 June 2016

In May 2016, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri declined to 3.08 GEL, which is 2.7% lower compared to April 2016, but 7% higher compared to May 2015. Come the summer season, tourism provides a major boost to the demand for Georgian products (and their prices).

April 25, 2016 Kh-Index | Khachapuri index is down m/m as milk supply peaks and lent reduces demand
25 April 2016

In March 2016, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri declined to 3.27 GEL, which is 5% lower month-on-month (that is compared to February 2016), and 6.9% higher year-on-year (compared to March 2015).
