Market Assessment for a Spirits and Drinks Company
26 October 2015

The objective of the project is to analyze options for a private, Georgia-based company to expand its operations. ISET-PI was commissioned by MGeorgia, holding company of JSC ”Chateau Mukhrani” and “Georgian Wines and Spirits Company” Ltd (GWS).

Excise Tax Experiments with the Georgian Beer Industry
10 October 2015

During the last 12 months, the Georgian authorities have been conducting interesting experiments designed, so it seems, to test the resilience of domestic beer producers. In September 2014, the industry was hit by Article 171 of the Civil Code, prohibiting alcohol consumption in public places. The beer market, 97% of which is supplied by local producers, has immediately shrunk by 22% (in physical volume, see chart), in annual terms.

Georgian Wine: Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best
03 October 2015

The Georgian wine industry had a couple of very good years in 2013 and 2014, following the opening of the Russian market. Exports skyrocketed, prices of grapes followed suit. For all the talk about diversification, within just two years, Russia’s share in the total exports of Georgian wine shot up from 0 to almost 68%.

September 30, 2015 FPI | Georgian Food Prices Trending Down
30 September 2015

Food prices in the largest supermarkets of Georgia have been on decline over the last couple of months. Prices started adjusting downwards in July 2015 and the trend persisted in September. According to ISET Policy Institute’s Retail Food Price Index (Retail FPI) in September 2015, prices were 1% lower compared to August 2015.

Real estate sale market shows signs of recovery amid Lari depreciation - December 2015
23 September 2015

The average residential rental price first fell to 7.46 USD per m2 (a historical minimum since the start of the study) in October 2015, and after a slight peak in the following month reached 7.66 USD per m2 by the end of the year.
