July 3, 2017 Kh-Index | New regulation on the cheese market
03 July 2017

The cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in June 2017 ranged between 2.64 GEL and 3.52 GEL, with the average price being 3.08. The average price in June 2017 is 1.8% lower compared to the previous month (May 2016), and 1.5% higher year-on-year (compared to June 2016).

June 2017 GDP Forecast | Regional recovery data drives optimistic growth projections for Georgia
20 June 2017

Geostat has released its GDP growth estimate for the first quarter of 2017. The Q1 growth rate now stands at 5.1%, which is 1.6% above ISET-PI’s last forecasted value. Moreover, the average growth rate for the first five months of the year amounted to 4.5%.

June 15, 2017 FPI | Is Georgian Wheat Getting Stronger?!
19 June 2017

In the middle of June, food prices increased by 5.0% on an annual basis (that is, compared to June 2016), but decreased by 0.3% on a monthly basis (that is, compared to May 2017). During the last two weeks, greens, potatoes, and cabbage showed the biggest increase in prices by 29.4%, 23.8%, and 23.3%, respectively. In the meantime, tomato, cucumber and cheese prices dropped by 26.8%, 15.7% and 7.1%, respectively.

June 19, 2017 Kh-Index | Why do cheese prices fluctuate more in Kutaisi?
19 June 2017

In May 2017, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri declined to 3.14 GEL – a 5.4% decrease month-on-month (compared to April 2017). In annual terms (compared to May 2016), however, the Index gained 8.5%.

How Safe Is Your Food?
17 June 2017

Food safety has become an important aspect of agricultural policy for many countries (see, e.g., CAP). By definition, “Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that preserve the quality of food to prevent contamination and foodborne illnesses.” In other words, food safety aims to protect the health of humans, animals and plants at every stage of the food production chain in conformance with the "farm-to-table” principle established by the EU.
