September 2018 GDP Forecast | Georgia's growth projections are strong, but the Turkish lira crisis may dampen the buoyant forecasts in the second half of the year
24 September 2018

Recently, Geostat released the preliminary estimate of real GDP growth for the second quarter (April-June) of 2018, which now stands at 6.0%. This is only 0.1 percentage points above the recent ISET-PI forecast. As a result, real GDP growth for the first seven months of 2018 reached 5.5%.

Business Confidence Index: fruitful summer for georgian agriculture!
10 September 2018

After three consecutive quarters of improvement, BCI in the third quarter of 2018 has worsened, dropping to 35.4 index points, which is a 4.2 index point loss over the previous quarter. The BCI drop is based on lowering expectations and worsening of past performance in many business sectors. Compared to other sectors, manufacturing assessed their past performance and expectations the most pessimistically. In contrast, the agriculture sector is the most positive, reflecting a high season in production.

Application for Grants Financing Technology for New Markets Open in Georgia
31 August 2018

An open call for prospective enterprises developing cleantech products, systems, processes, or services has been announced. The projects should offer solutions in the area of climate change adaption or mitigation, ecosystem services, renewable energy, water, and sanitation or urban development.

Case Studies: Learning from the Experience of Georgian Entrepreneurs
30 July 2018

This volume brings together eight case studies of young Georgian entrepreneurs, men and women who had the courage to take a risk and set up their own businesses. The eight case studies allow readers to accompany these entrepreneurs on the challenging journey of doing business in a very difficult environment, with very limited access to finance, knowledge and modern technology.

Building the capacity of executive agencies and of the parliament of Georgia to understand and apply the regulatory impact assessment (RIA) methodology
24 July 2018

Build the capacity of the representatives of Parliament of Georgia and executive agencies to understand and apply the RIA methodology. Georgia is in the process of institutionalizing RIA as an integral part of policy-making, both in the executive and legislative branches of government.
