Academic Positions
15 September 2017

The International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET,, in Tbilisi, Georgia, expects to make one or more appointments at the Assistant or Associate Professor levels. Candidates in all fields are encouraged to apply.

July 2017 GDP Forecast | High growth rate expectations are maintained
20 July 2017

We started forecasting the annual growth rate at the start of 2014 (see our January 2014 and February 2014 publications for a note on methodology). Based on January’s data, we expect annual growth in 2017 to be 6.2% in the worst-case or “no growth” scenario, and 6.6% in the best-case or “average long-term growth” scenario. Our “middle-of-the-road” scenario (based on the average growth in the last four quarters) predicts a 6.3% real GDP growth in 2017.

July 17, 2017 Kh-Index | Low harvest – high prices?
17 July 2017

The cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri in June 2017 averaged 3.34 Gel, which is about 1.5% higher compared to June 2016 (year-on-year), and 1.5% lower compared to the previous month (May 2017).

STATA Training for Competition Agency Staff
10 July 2017

ISET-PI trains Competition Agency of Georgia Staff in the basics of econometrics and STATA. The objective of the training is to strengthen the capacity of the Competition Agency staff to use STATA to conduct independent data analysis, run OLS regressions and interpret robust results.

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) on Law of Water Resources Management
03 July 2017

Georgia has a number of laws and regulations governing water resources, dating back to the late nineties and partially amended after 2003. Changes, however, have not always followed a clear and coherent strategy. As a result, in the words of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the current legislation is an “unworkable and fragmented system”.
