IEC representative visits ISET, explains scholarship opportunities
10 December 2019

On December 10, ISET was visited by Nino Chelidze, Executive Director of the International Education Center, whose presentation, 'Scholarship programs and study abroad opportunities for Georgian Students', explained the mission and objectives of the International Education Center (IEC), center's ongoing and future scholarship programmes designed for students interested in pursuing their education abroad.

Data Visualization workshop ends; TBC Bank awards BA and MA competitors stipends
05 December 2019

On December 5, the Effective Data Visualization workshop – which was hosted by ISET in collaboration with ForSet and DarkHorse Analytics of Canada – officially came to a close when an award ceremony was held for those participants whose academic performance, significant achievements in data-related economics subjects and outstanding motivation to build future careers in the data-driven economy were of the highest. The winning team received a prize worth 1000 lari.

Inclusive and Sustainable Development of The Mountainous Regions: Myth or Reality?
03 December 2019

Mountains cover 54% of Georgia’s territory. People living in those areas represent the most vulnerable group of Georgian society. Land erosion and climate change are prevalent in the mountains; unsustainable use of natural resources (forests in particular) and limited access to infrastructure pose significant risks to the lives of people there.

Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock: Study of Value Added Tax (VAT) Exemption Impact for Increasing the Competitiveness of the Georgian Dairy Sector
25 November 2019

The livestock sector plays a significant role in Georgian agriculture, accounting for more than half of total output. Although livestock farming is spread throughout the country, agriculture is dominated by livestock in the mountains, which cover over 50% of Georgian territory. The livestock sector contributed to around 4% of the country’s overall GDP in 2018, and dairy production remains one of the most traditional Georgian agricultural sub-sectors.

ISET-PI study presented at the stakeholder forum hosted by EU
20 November 2019

On November 20, the study “Mapping of Emerging and Potential Clusters in Georgia” carried out by the ISET Policy Institute in cooperation with local and international partners was presented at the stakeholder forum ‘Promoting a strong and competitive business in Georgia’ organized by the EU and the four UN agencies – UNDP, FAO, UNIDO, and IOM, under their joint effort for the strong and competitive private sector in Georgia.
