Everything You Wanted to Know About Your Electricity Bill
04 July 2012

In the last week's Khachapuri Index column in The Financial, we took a break from agriculture and focused instead on the energy sector of Georgia.

The World's Tallest Skyscraper
10 February 2012

While it is unclear whether this project will ever be realized, it certainly shows that Azerbaijan has huge ambitions. Comparisons to Dubai come to mind, as a city with attention-grabbing architectural projects.

The Georgian Christmas tree
24 December 2011

What would Christmas be without a Christmas tree? In Georgia, in Europe, or anywhere else in the world. But little known to most Europeans, most trees sold in Europe can trace their origin to Georgia.

Assessing the Research and Training Needs for Georgian Energy Sector
08 November 2011

Partnering with the Association of Young Professionals in Energy of Georgia (AYPEG), ISET Policy Institute completed the project Assessment of the Research and Training needs For Georgian Energy Sector. This involved the interviews with the representatives of the companies operating in the energy sector of Georgia, both private and governmental (GNERC, ESCO, GSE etc.) and the large energy consumer companies (45 companies in total).

Assessment of the Research and Training Needs of Georgian Energy Sector
30 September 2011

The aim of the report is to summarize main findings from the interviews conducted by AYPEG and provide suggestions and recommendations for the research and training needs in the Georgian energy sector.
