ISET hosted ADB's presentation on economic outlook 2024
12 April 2024

On April 12, the ISET Policy Institute hosted an enlightening presentation titled 'The Asian Development Outlook 2024,' spearheaded by Mr Kiyoshi Taniguchi, Regional Lead Economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

A novel hybrid forecasting model for Georgian GDP
10 April 2024

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia faced significant economic challenges, including political instability and conflicts. This resulted in a severe economic recession in the 1990s, with GDP contracting sharply.

Education sector vis-à-vis labor market demands
08 April 2024

Employment and prospective occupations were the subjects of lively debate at the recent economic forum that took place in Davos in January 2024. Globally, the transition of economies to green standards will generate an additional 69 million jobs. In the meanwhile, technological advancements and economic recessions pose a threat to the other 83 million available jobs.

ISET hosted public seminar on the poverty and distributional implications of air pollution in Tbilisi
04 April 2024

On April 4th, ISET Policy Institute hosted a public seminar with discussions centered around air pollution, poverty, and equity in Tbilisi. Led by Alan Fuchs and Sandra Baquie from the Poverty and Equity Global Practice at the World Bank, the public seminar titled 'Poverty and Distributional Consequences of Air Pollution in Tbilisi' provided a platform for in-depth exploration and dialogue on this pressing issue.

March 2024 | Beginning of seasonal drop in Khachapuri Index
01 April 2024

In March 2024, the average cost of cooking one standard portion of Imeretian khachapuri stood at 6.40GEL. This latest average price marks a -1.8% decrease compared to March 2023. Additionally, in month-to-month developments, the price of khachapuri decreased by -6.4% compared to the previous month (February 2024).
