ReforMeter is back
16 September 2021

ISET’s ReforMeter is back on track to keep an eye on both planned and ongoing economic reforms in Georgia. With that in mind, ISET Policy Institute held an online live event to review the goals and objectives of the project.

Transport Air Pollution in Georgia – Current Trends and Potential Ways Forward
13 September 2021

Over the last half-century, air pollution has become an increasingly critical problem globally. The number of harmful emissions connected to human activity has been rising constantly, and, in many locations around the world, the concentrations of individual pollutants are higher than the recommended safe levels. Elevated emission levels are associated with various harmful effects, such as damage to human health and well-being, decreases in productivity, a reduction in land prices, and equally significantly global environmental issues like climate change.

Efficiently cutting Georgia’s greenhouse gas emissions
13 September 2021

ISET Policy Institute developed an advanced quantitative model to simulate the potential impacts of energy and environmental policies on the Georgian economy, the Climate Policy Analysis (ICPA), and investigated the economy-wide implications of three alternative policy options (the introduction of differentiated – by sector – carbon taxes, sectoral emission standards, and uniform carbon tax), complying with the emission targets defined in Georgia’s Climate Strategy and Action Plan, to find out the most effective measures and their welfare effects.

Training for journalists in the green economy
12 September 2021

ISET Policy Institute, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is developing training sessions that will provide journalists and advanced journalism students with an introduction to the key concepts and core ideas from energy economics and environmental economics.

Does Maternity Protection in Georgia Measure up to International Standards?
06 September 2021

In 2000, the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted Convention No. 183, better known as the Maternity Protection Convention. The purpose of the Convention was to protect the health and safety of mother and child and to promote the equality of all women in the labour force. Essentially, this short document sets several guidelines, or minimum standards, that ought to be implemented globally for pregnant women and working mothers to be adequately protected in the labour market.
