April 2018 GDP Forecast | No news is good news for Georgia, as forecasts point to stable growth
24 April 2018

ISET-PI’s forecast for the first two quarters of 2018 stands at 4.1% and 5.1%, respectively (no change from last month’s estimations). Geostat has released its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for January and February of 2018. Estimated growth stands at 4.4% and 5.5%, correspondingly. As a result, the average real GDP growth for January-February 2018 reached 4.9%.

A Good February for Electricity Generation: Time for Reflection, After Last Year’s Worries
16 April 2018

In February 2017, Georgia experienced the largest gap between generation and consumption in the last decade. This was followed by an even greater gap in March 2017. The size of those gaps, and the fact that the historical trend was suggesting an increase in the electricity gap, prompted policy proposals emphasizing the need to encourage investments in power generation.

The Knowing of Not Knowing in Water Management (and how to tackle the issue)
16 April 2018

The Georgian government is currently facing some tremendous challenges in adjusting to the EU Association Agreement (AA). A particularly problematic area of reform concerns the implementation of Directive 2000/60/EC, aka the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Properly managing water resources is an extremely difficult endeavor that requires a deep understanding of all the mechanisms at work.

April 16, 2018 | CPI and khachapuri index slump in february-march 2018
16 April 2018

In March 2018, the average cost of cooking one standard Imeretian khachapuri declined to 3.55 GEL, which is 3.2% lower month-on-month (that is, compared to February 2018), and 4.2% higher year-on-year (compared to March 2017).

Blockchains for Agriculture: The Future is Unwritten
07 April 2018

Blockchain technology became a huge story last year due to the hype over cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Etherium. Banks and other financial institutions are rushing to adopt blockchain technology. Nowadays, about 15% of financial institutions use blockchain technology to secure and validate transactions. IBM was one of the first companies that saw the potential of blockchain use and encouraged startups related to the concept.
