Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asia
23 October 2015

The International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University has signed a contract with the Asian Development Bank to contribute to a study on: “Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asia”. Since obtaining independence in the early 1990s, Central and West Asian countries have made noticeable progress. However, recent economic disruptions, mainly caused by the structural decline in energy prices and the protracted devaluation of currencies in the region, are affecting jobs, remittances, and people’s general well-being.

Azerbaijan Economy and the Oil Prices: a Blessing in Disguise?
24 September 2015

International crude oil prices, which have hovered at $110 per barrel for the last three and a half years, started a sudden and abrupt downfall in August 2014, reaching a $50 per barrel mark in just five months. More than a year after the event, it looks like the oil price of $50 per barrel is here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future.

September 2015 Macro Review | What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger
17 September 2015

In July 2015, domestic production in Georgia increased by 3% annually, maintaining a stable and positive trend. Consumer price inflation reached the highest value (4.9%) in two years. The 1 August 2015 increase in electricity tariffs is likely to put some additional upward pressure on consumer price inflation in the coming months.

September 2015 GDP Forecast | Third quarter growth outlook stable. Deposit dollarization gains momentum in Georgia
17 September 2015

The growth forecast for the third quarter of 2015 has not changed since last month and remains at 2.6%. The first forecast for the fourth quarter growth of 2015 has been targeted at 3.8%.

ADB-Asian Think Tank Development Forum
16 September 2015

ISET Policy Institute is the only member think tank of Asian Think Tanks Network from Georgia. The network involves cooperation among key think tanks in Asia and the Pacific to share knowledge on development experiences and policy lessons. Its members are Asian think tanks working on sustainable development and inclusive growth.
