Correcting Unemployment Numbers – A Call for Government Action
07 June 2013

There are many pressing challenges and issues that command the attention of people interested in politics in Georgia. Some of these issues are emotionally charged, and there is not necessarily a consensus across society. However, there is one issue on which there should be a consensus, and it matters tremendously to the Georgian people.

Riding the Dragon
03 June 2013

Cultural and intellectual achievements herald the economic success of a people, and the Chinese cultural and intellectual heritage is breathtaking. The Chinese discovered gunpowder, the compass, and the movable type printing press long before the Europeans.

A New Competition Law for Georgia: Much Ado About Nothing?
31 May 2013

The mountain of promises to modify Georgia’s liberal labor code has recently produced a little mouse in the shape of a statement by Deputy Prime Minister Giorgi Margvelashvili who, according to, “branded the new labor code project a “dream of Rosa Luxemburg”.

Financial Literacy in Georgia
29 May 2013

Does Georgia have a well-developed financial sector? Certainly, the proliferation of bank branches and automated teller machines in the capital city of Tbilisi might suggest that it does. And yet, the data indicates that for a country of its size, Georgia has a relatively small financial sector.

The Tides of Markets
27 May 2013

It is an empirical fact that in market economies the economic activity shows cyclical patterns. The 19th-century French economist Clement Juglar is generally attributed to having formulated the first coherent theory of what are known as business cycles.
