October 2022 | Electricity Market Review
05 December 2022

In October 2022, Georgian power plants generated 1,034 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 13% decrease in the total generation compared to the previous year (in October 2021, the total generation was 1,192 mln. kWh). The decrease in the generation on a yearly basis comes from a decline of 11%, 17%, and 25% in hydro power, wind power, and thermal power generation, respectively.

ISET Policy Institute director, Tamar Sulukhia spoke at the Tbilisi climate change and gender conference: addressing gender gaps in climate change in Georgia
05 December 2022

On December 5, Tamar Sulukhia, Director of ISET Policy Institute participated in the wrap-up panel and spoke on empowering women as change agents – existing capacities, potentials, and needs. She particularly stressed the importance of data, research, and policy advocacy.

An overview of the Georgian wine sector
01 December 2022

The Georgian winemaking tradition is 8000 years old, making Georgia the world’s first known location of grape winemaking. There are many traditions associated with Georgian winemaking. One of them is ‘Rtveli’ – the grape harvest that usually starts in September and continues throughout the autumn season, accompanied by feasts and celebrations.

Sector and value chain analytics – sixth report
30 November 2022

This annual report provides an analysis of economic trends, as well as denoting the challenges and opportunities (in local, regional, and global contexts) across selected value chains within six sectors to improve evidence-based decision-making through the provision of quality information and analytics.

ISET Policy Institute presents gender research portal and Caucasus gender index
29 November 2022

On November 29, 2022, ISET Policy Institute hosted the event Gender Equality in the South Caucasus and Beyond: New Tools for Policy Research that brought together the policy community, experts, NGOs, academia, and development partners. The activity is supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
