October 06, 2014 Kh-Index | Prices In georgia are on an upward trend
06 October 2014

The ISET Khachapuri Index continued moving along its upward seasonal trend, reaching 3.35 GEL in September 2014. This is 3.2% higher compared to August 2014 (m/m) and 13.7% higher compared to September 2013 (y/y). Such a sharp increase in prices was not unique to Khachapuri ingredients, however. As reported by GeoStat, the general Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) in September 2014 reached 1.2% in monthly terms and, what is more alarming, 4.8% relative to September of last year (y/y).

July 2014 GDP Forecast | High growth rates are maintained
11 June 2014

The growth forecast for the 2nd quarter of 2014 has been revised upward from 7.5% to 7.7%. The growth forecast for the 3rd quarter of 2014 has been revised upward from 7.1% to 7.5%.

Inclusive Growth Dialogue: Presentation - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects
09 June 2014

BP in Georgia has implemented a number of projects related to renewable energy and energy efficiency through its Sustainable Development Initiative. The projects are designed to raise awareness about energy efficiency and provide subsidies for households to implement energy efficiency measures. In addition, several social programs related to increasing the efficiency of energy use and renewable energy have been implemented over the last four years.

Financial Soundness Indicators for Investment Climate Assessment Phase 2
30 May 2014

Since the outbreaks of the Asian financial crisis in the late 1900s and the global financial turmoil in 2007, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of a financial sector based on a set of financial indicators has become increasingly important.

Towards a Globalized Peasant Agriculture
16 May 2014

In my essay on economic development (“What worked”, MESSENGER, July 3/2013) I cited the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on “A New Global Partnership” (UN Publications, 2013) that aims at eradicating absolute poverty and transforming national economies through sustainable development. Thus, in the chapter on “goals and global impact,” the Panel stresses that poverty must be reduced while mitigating global climate change and promoting a “low-carbon trajectory”.
