February 2016 Macro Review | The Georgian economy in 2015-2016 – take care of the foundations, and the facade will take care of itself…
22 February 2016

The year 2015 was one of turbulence. It was a year in which the institutional foundations of the Georgian economy were tested. However, as our analysis shows, the country’s macroeconomic institutions exhibited remarkable resilience in the face of various shocks. This bodes well for future growth prospects. Thus, in the spirit of Lewis Carroll’s adage “take care of the sense, and the sounds will take care of themselves” we can give one piece of advice to Georgian policymakers: take care of the foundations, and the facade will take care of itself.

David Shavgulidze: Successful ISET Alumnus
05 February 2016

ISET is happy to announce that David Shavgulidze from Class of 2013 has been recently promoted as the head of the newly established IT Audit Unit at the State Audit Office of Georgia (SAOG); David’s professional growth at the SAOG is rather impressive – he started as an intern and got promoted twice in a two-year period.

The Prospects of Georgia's Democratic and Economic Development
03 February 2016

On 1-2 February, Yaroslava Babych, head of Macroeconomic Policy Research Center participated in an international forum – “The Prospects of Georgia’s Democratic and Economic Development” organized by the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), in partnership with the University of Bremen and with the financial support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.

Inclusive Growth Public Discussion Platform
29 January 2016

Once the wealthiest Soviet republic, Georgia has since fallen far behind other post-Soviet states (except for, perhaps, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova) in almost any parameter of wellbeing. Adjusted for purchasing power parity, Georgia’s annual income per capita in 2012 was close to $5,900 (a little higher than in resources-poor Armenia).

Global Tourism Trends and Perspectives
28 January 2016

On Wednesday, January 27th ISET hosted Mr. Marcio Favilla Lucca de Paula, Executive Director for Operational Programmes and Institutional Relations at the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) based in Madrid, Spain. World Tourism Organization became one of the UN specialized agencies in 2013 and is the newest one among 14 specialized agencies.
