Business Confidence Index – Q2 2014
23 April 2014

In the second quarter of this year, the ISET Business Confidence Index registered 21.7 on a scale of 100 points (see methodology below). This is down from the 30.2 recorded in the first quarter of the same year. The positive number nevertheless indicates that the confidence factor among businesses is about 21.7 more positive, rather than negative or neutral (e.g. a confidence index of 100 would have indicated that all firms in the sample reported a positive outlook.

Presentation of EBRD’s Transition Report
22 April 2014

On April 8, representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) presented their Transition Report at ISET. EBRD’s lead economist for Georgia, Bojan Markovic, spoke about the reform progress and economic developments in the year 2013 across the wider transition region, which includes Georgia.

Can Georgia Develop a Knowledge-Based Economy?
21 April 2014

A few weeks ago, the Israeli ambassador His Excellency Yuval Fuchs delivered a speech at ISET, explaining the amazing transformation of Israel from what essentially was an agricultural state into what many economists call a knowledge economy. The ambassador reported that in his youth the foremost product Israel was known for were oranges. In the last thirty years, however, Israel created a high-tech sector that can compete (and in many aspects surpasses) the high-tech industries of the United States and Europe.

On Women and Money
18 April 2014

One of the few economists who won the Nobel Peace Prize is Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi who invented the concept of microcredits. What is it about?

Fine and Punishment
14 April 2014

Imagine arriving at a provincial airport in an unnamed Central Asian country. You leave the terminal and go straight to a row of waiting taxis. In your Lonely Planet, you read that you should pay about $10 for what is a short taxi ride to the city center. You ask the first taxi driver and are quoted a fantasy price of $50. You try to bargain, to no avail. You go to the next taxi, and once again you are quoted $50.
