ISET Policy Institute discusses risks associated with Russian business ownership in Georgia
03 October 2023

On October 3, ISET Policy Institute and Zinc Network organized a public presentation: A Study on Risks Associated with Russian Business Ownership in Georgia. The event was attended by representatives from local and international institutions, civil society organizations, and the broader public.

A study on the risks associated with Russian business ownership in Georgia
02 October 2023

To identify the specific risks associated with Russian business ownership, this study draws upon a comprehensive literature review and conducted expert interviews. The study places Russia within the context of a global threat actor and examines the exploitation of private business ownership by hostile state actors as a hybrid threat.

ReforMeter hosted the third public-private dialogue on tourism reform
25 September 2023

On 25 September ReforMeter, the USAID Economic Governance Program, and the Georgian Tourism Industry Alliance jointly hosted a public-private dialogue to discuss the progress of tourism reform with local stakeholders in Kutaisi, Georgia.

ISET Policy Institute continues to mentor civil society organizations and private sector associations
21 September 2023

Under the project "Develop Advocacy Capacity of CSOs and PSAs," which is funded by the USAID Economic Governance Program, ISET Policy Institute continues its mentorship activities. The aim of this project is to enhance the capabilities of CSOs and PSAs in various areas such as policy-making, advocacy, research, and outreach so that they can actively participate in the policy decision-making process and contribute to local community development, policy design, and implementation.

Corporate income tax system evaluation
18 September 2023

The profit tax system that came into force on January 1, 2017, in Georgia aims to create a favorable business environment, accelerate economic growth, and improve tax administration. This system is based on the distributed profit taxation regime, similar to the one implemented in Estonia.
