ISET Policy Institute at the Sixth Annual CAREC Think Tank Development Forum
16 September 2022

On September 15-16, 2022, Ana Burduli of ISET Policy Institute participated in the Sixth Annual CAREC Think Tank Development Forum (CTTDF) in Baku, Azerbaijan under the theme “Recalibrating Growth Dynamics for Inclusive and Sustainable Economies”.

Albert Park chief ADB spokesperson speaks at ISET
12 September 2022

On 12 September, ISET hosted Mr. Albert Park, Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In his address, he spoke to the ISET community of students and researchers about “Technology, Globalization, and the Changing Nature of work in Emerging Markets”.

ISET Policy Institute presents information quality standards for Georgian agriculture
30 June 2022

On 30 June, ISET Policy Institute presented the results of its project on the “Information quality standards for the participants and beneficiaries of the Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS)” during the closing event, which itself aimed to identify the outcomes from the “Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (VET) System related to Agriculture in Georgia (VET Phase 2)” project.

ISET Policy Institute presents value chain analytics project findings to the public
23 May 2022

On 23 May ISET Policy Institute, in partnership with Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), presented a summary of the findings of the Value Chain Analytics (VCA) project to the public. The event brought together public and private sector stakeholders along with representatives of international organizations.

Kutaisi International University hosts ISET Policy Institute
18 May 2022

On 18 March, representatives from the ISET Policy Institute visited Kutaisi International University to introduce ISET Policy Institute’s core activities, products, and ongoing projects to students and university staff.
