Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) of the draft law on soil protection
08 May 2019

How can soil degradation be reduced in Georgia? The objective of the study is to assess potential impact of the draft law on soil degradation processes in Georgia. The study examines the current situation regarding land degradation in Georgia and estimates the potential costs and benefits of the draft law.

Granted Survival!
26 April 2019

Various business support programs have been implemented in many countries across the world. Grants, interest-rate subsidies, and equity participation are among some of the most adopted tools for promoting firms’ performances (Dupont and Martin, 2006). Such assistance programs also have their own objectives. For example, low-interest rate loans and cash transfers to new and small firms are designed to overcome the financial constraints many firms face (Hubbard, 1998).

Who Is the Surgeon?
18 February 2019

Riddles are fun; sometimes, though, they teach us more than expected. Consider this riddle, for example. A son and his father get into a terrible accident; the father dies immediately while the son is rushed to the hospital for an urgent operation. A minute after being called in, a prominent surgeon steps out from the operating room and says “I cannot operate on this boy; he is my son”. Who is the surgeon? Take a guess!

Holiday Gifts Are Extremely Inefficient, So Why Do We Bother?
24 December 2018

Today and tomorrow over a third of the world’s population (around 2 billion people) will be celebrating Christmas1. Traditionally, the holiday season will inevitably feature an exchange of gifts. The sums spent on Christmas gift-giving are huge! For example, in 2018 the expected spending on Christmas gifts in the United States is around 885 USD per person2 – this is about 2.8% of what someone in the middle of income distribution earns per year.

ISET Hosts Workshop named “Business Case-Based Teaching”
12 January 2018

“I very much liked the business case-based teaching method. Business cases will be very useful for vocational college students, as real-life examples are much better in inspiring them to start their own business.” As business cases are based on real-life examples from Georgia, using them in entrepreneurship classes will make them much more amusing for students to attend.”
