ISET Policy Institute delivers LC Waikiki team training
26 July 2022

On 26 July, a research team from ISET Policy Institute conducted a one-day training course for members of the LC Waikiki financial team and their top regional management.

ISET Policy Institute leads training on gender and economics for CSOs
11 July 2022

Between 5-9 July, ISET-PI together with UN Women conducted a four-day training module on “Gender and Economics” for representatives of numerous Georgian CSOs in Borjomi.

ISET Policy Institute hosts journalists for training within the MediaTOR project
20 June 2022

The ISET Policy Institute, the USAID Economic Governance Program, and Internews Georgia hosted a two-day training course to introduce journalists to the MediaTOR platform and its Library of Economic Reforms for Media.

ISET Policy Institute participates in USAID event
29 March 2022

On 29 March, ISET Policy Institute’s researchers conducted training under the auspices of a USAID project – Develop Advocacy Capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Private Sector Associations (PSAs) – as supported by the USAID Economic Security Program and the USAID Economic Governance Program.

ISET Policy Institute conducts green economy training for journalists and students
28 March 2022

28 March 2022 marks the successful completion of ISET’s green economy training for journalists and students. We are extremely grateful to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for financially supporting the initiative.
