Does it Make Sense to Subsidize Smallholder Georgian Agriculture, and if so How?
30 March 2015

While Georgia never faced anything like a wartime food crisis, the agricultural policies implemented by the Georgian Dream coalition government in 2013-2015 did not lack in ambition, seeking to make up for more than a decade of “active neglect” of Georgia’s smallholder agriculture by the Saakashvili administration. In this piece, we take a critical look at one of the first government initiatives, the Agricultural Card Program, introduced in February 2013.

Save the Georgian Bazaar!
13 March 2015

Open-air markets, so-called bazaars, are considered by many Georgians to be relics of the past. Progressive people buy in supermarkets with all its amenities: clean areas, shiny floors, the temperature regulated at a convenient level, the products placed in order and often arranged tastefully. Only backward people buy in a bazaar if there is a supermarket available.

Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) Supports the Creation of Four New Policy Research Centers at ISET-PI
04 March 2015

In December 2014 ISET-PI has been awarded a 5-year grant by the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) providing the Institute with the opportunity to transform itself into the premier economic policy think-tank in the South Caucasus.

January 12, 2015 Kh-Index | CPI and khachapuri index inflation pick up in December 2014
12 January 2015

In December 2014, Khachapuri Index returned to its upward seasonal trend and reached 3.66GEL. This is 9.4% higher compared to the previous month (November 2014) and 2.4% higher compared to December 2013 (y/y). The main contributors to y/y Khachapuri Index inflation were flour (16.4%), milk (7.2%), yeast (5.1%), butter (3.2%), and cheese (0.7%), while the price of eggs dropped (-6.4%).

January 2015 GDP Forecast | High hopes for robust growth continue despite a difficult November
08 January 2015

Based on the November data, the growth forecast for the last quarter of 2014 was revised upward from 3.6% to 3.9%. The second forecast for the first quarter of 2015 increased from the initial 3.2% to 3.7%.
